Juan Gómez

Online Resume

Software Development

:o) Attitude 100%
Comments AND emoticons in code
<!-- ToDo: :-p Ticket:XXVVII -->
Security ⊘ fan, Encryption, APIs
Refactoring lover, Legacy migrations
Automation, Integration, Synchronization

« Worked [here] »
∑ FullStack
ASP.NET, MVC, ASP, Sharepoint
PHP, cgi, awk, Swagger, Unity
Xamarin, Testing
⋇ UI
Console, WinForms, Swing
JQuery, CSS, Scripting

During 20 years

⊚ Skynet languages
C++, C#, VB, .NetCore
Java, FoxPro, Batch, SQL
Diving into (Angular⇔React)
Closer to Python for AI

« Another football lover »

∞ Environments
Windows, Unix, Mobile, Web

« Went to ORT University »
∴ Sectors
Banking, Financial, Trade, Legal
Health, Monitoring, Education, Entertainment
Consulting, Public and Private

In many Industries

⋻ DataBases
Postgre ⊕ Oracle ⊕ MySQL
Informix ⊕ SQL Server ⊕ Access
∡ Color
FireWorks, Premiere, Klynt
CrazyTalk Animator

« What about storytelling? »

⋈ IDEs
Notepad++; Visual Studio;
Eclipse; GeneXus; SQL Developer
Visual Studio Code; PL SQL

« Do you need ME? »